Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Differences in Horse Tack

There are countless riding disciplines in the globe of horses.  Different breeds may receive their own standards, thus requiring precise types of equipment.  As history would receive it, there are two basic forms of riding: Western and English.  Not single is there a difference in riding technique, the furniture or tack is very different.

Western Horse Tack

Western saddles are a great quantity larger and built to distribute gravity equally on the horse's back and with regard to working comfort.  Having a horn and a liberal comfortable deep seat, riders ride through a slight bend to the knee and repose the horse's gaits.  Types of west occidental saddles include show, work, trail, barrel racing, suffering, roping, reining and cutting saddles.  All are configured little different to accommodate their specific  rule of practice.  Show saddles such as the Billy Royal Supreme Champion load is made of exceptional quality leather with sterling silver plate accents.