Wednesday, February 29, 2012

5 Techniques To Win At Online Poker

The internet is overwhelmed with online poker tips, many of which do not actually improve your chances of making money from online poker. The 5 techniques in this article are used by professionals, and should be in every poker player's arsenal.

1. Start tight

When you first enter an online poker tournament, you have no information on your opponents. By starting the tournament slowly (only playing premium hands), you give yourself time to judge which players are loose, tight, aggressive and passive. Gaining this information will help you make decisions later on in the tournament. Because the blind levels start as a small percentage of your stack, there's no point risking your chips on a mediocre hand. If you're serious about making money from online poker, and not just playing it as a hobby, writing down notes about opponent's play-style is a necessity.

2. Play at the right level

Never play in a tournament where the buy in is more than you can afford to lose. If your decision-making ability is hindered by you being 'scared' of losing your money then you're playing in a too high-staked tournament.

3. Use all information available to you

Although you cannot spot physical tells in online poker, there are still several 'computerised tells' which you can utilise. These include:

- How quickly your opponents act

- Your opponents betting patterns

- What your opponent says in the chat box

- Which cards your opponents 'showdown' with

4. Mid-game play: tight/aggressive

This should be your 'bread and butter' poker strategy. Tight poker means you're very selective with your hand, only raising with Queens, Kings, Aces or Ace King, and only limping in with smaller pocket pairs. Aggressive poker is where, once you're involved in a hand, you're there to win the pot. Even if you don't connect on the flop, you need to make a continuation bet. As you've been playing tightly, players will give you a lot of credibility.

5. Know when to play loose

Playing loose definitely has a place in online poker tournaments. The best time to start playing more hands is towards the cut off for paid positions. If a tournament pay the top 10 places, when there are 20 players left everyone starts to fold more and more - wanting to make the money. This is the time to start stealing blinds, you should never play poker to 'make the money', the top 3 positions earn a huge percentage of the overall prize pool, and that's where you want to end up!

These 5 techniques require practise to perfect, but once they're learnt you will be the shark at the poker room. Try these tips out for free, sky poker offer no deposit poker bonuses - meaning you can start an online poker bankroll without depositing a penny!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Become A Pick 3 Champion in 3 Steps

Making big money is not always easy; in fact, you can probably bank on not becoming a millionaire without some serious work in a variety of fields. While this seems to be true in many ways, there are some that have found some shortcuts along the way to making millions. The way some people are seeing upwards of six figures annually will shock you, and no, it's not with get rich quick schemes. Some people have not only thwarted the difficult path of moving towards big money, they have done it with what some people consider a waste of money, and that's through the pick 3 lottery.

For those familiar with the lottery system you already know how the game works. For those that don't know how it works, it can be reduced to the bare minimum elements of just having 3 digits pulled from a somewhat random computer system. All you need to do is pick 3 numbers, play your luck, and wait for the big money to come in. If you want to make strides forward with winning at lottery systems, you'll need to take 3 steps forward.

The first step, aside from purchasing your ticket, is to play daily. Make sure that you're getting into the action at least 5 days a week. Playing one set of numbers that are your "lucky" numbers is a great way to move forward, then play a second set of numbers that are completely at random, and you'll be able to make adjust your strategy from the losing tickets.

The second step is to analyze the losing tickets that you'll get from the lucky numbers that you're playing at random. Remember, the experimental lucky numbers are not the "lucky" numbers, but rather a set of numbers that changes from time to time based on your hunches. If you are careful, you will be able to start to see patterns develop in the way numbers are repeated. Repetition is the number one thing you will want to focus on in this step.

The third and last step is to start to look for numbers that repeat in certain decimal places. For instance, many state run lotteries were found to have the number 9 located in the third digit column more often than many other numbers. This type of repetition is just one pattern to look for, which will help you get closer to getting all 3 numbers correct, garnering you big money.

Remember, do not get dismayed if you don't win the big bucks on day one, take some time to pay attention, and get yourself into the bigger arena of winners by utilizing the steps above for some time.

Finding A Good Roulette Casino

If you are on a vacation to Las Vegas or anywhere else, you're probably not wondering who has the best roulette table among the top casinos. However, if you're a player that is looking for a very specific type of game, and you're not just leisurely betting, you're going to have to look into some key elements that are synonymous with a proper roulette casino. Just like poker players seek out the best card casinos, people that are looking to play craps or roulette are looking for tables that will get them the best action, and the highest payouts. If you're one of those discerning players, consider the following elements that will help you decide which is the right place to play at, and which is the wrong place.

First and foremost, look to find out what the house rules are for any given brick and mortar location. Believe it or not, there are some places that force you to pay the house with every bet, and there are some that make the odds shift based on American and European style play. You want to go with a more traditional roulette style, and nothing too modified. Some argue that European style is a much better option than the American style play, but only you will know what game is best for your overall needs.

The second thing you want to look for, and something that can be attributed to any major decision you make that deals with financial matters, is to make sure that you read what others are saying about the casino. Finding the right place to play is a matter of looking for options that other players have been raving about, and if there isn't any buzz, be careful. Most players are looking out for themselves and others that are interested in the game, because if a casino gives integrity to the gambler, they will come back again and again. Look online for reviews of any major place you're going to venture towards, and you'll be making money with relative ease.

The last thing to look into, and something that will keep you coming back to any major location, is whether or not they are offering perks. Some casinos give you extra money for playing, some give you free drinks, others give you 2 for 1 rolls, and all sorts of other great items to get you in the door. Look for these promotional options to get you into more lucrative, better odds tables, but beware, some are desperate for players so they are giving too much. Make sure you are discerning when picking the right place to put money down, so that you'll win big money with the game of chance known as roulette.

5 Reasons Why Jeremy Lin Is Better Than Lebron James

"Linsanity" has taken over the sports headlines around the globe - and rightfully so. Never before has the NBA witnessed a "come from nowhere" type story like that of Jeremy Lin. Yes, "witnessed", and I'm not referring to "Witness", the Nike campaign that catapulted Lebron James to Michael Jordan-like notoriety in 2007 after Lebron led the Cavs to the NBA finals. Like a breath of fresh air, Jeremy Lin is proving why he deserves the crown of basketball and should be deemed the King of the NBA, not Lebron. Here are 5 reasons why:

1. Who is Jeremy Lin?
While Lebron James was being stalked by cameras since 7th grade and getting high fives from Jay-Z in his locker room after high school basketball games, Jeremy Lin was practicing jump shots alone in the gym and then heading home to do his homework. There's something refreshing about the kid who no one heard of a year ago who is now on top of the world. It's inspiring and helps prove that often times the common folk can succeed, not just the one's born with a chip on their shoulder.

2. Division I talent with Ivy league brains
Jeremy Lin is smart. He speaks well, appears more humble than an intern and recognizes his teammates whenever he can. Lebron is all talent, all muscle and all Lebron James. After the famous "Decision" that was aired as a mini-tv series, Lebron never reached out to the Cleveland market in the public light to thank them for their support and explain to them his thought process. Jeremy Lin has been open and honest every step of the way, never hiding the fact that he had to sacrifice big time to get to where he is today, including sleeping on his brother's couch and persevering even after being cut not once, but twice.

3. Yes, he's Asian-Amerian
Yes, he is. And it's not racist, it's the truth. And he is an inspiration for all minorities, not just Asians who finally have "one of their own" to root for. Anyone who is a minority, be it blacks, Irish, Asians, Jews, Italians and most other cultures that make up the immigrant foundation of the US, have all been persecuted. Lebron never had to face the bigotry that Jeremy Lin now faces in headlines and in layup lines. Lebron was always loved or hated, based on his basketball skills, not his ethnicity. Jeremy Lin has persevered by countering the anti-Asian slurs with points and assists, like a true role model.

4. He's just like you and me
Be it the YouTube videos that make us laugh, the Twitter tweets showing a glimpse of NBA life to those of us who merely dream of what it must feel like or the stories of signing autographs until the gym empties out, Jeremy Lin is a regular guy. A year ago he was a no one, and with that comes the ability for people to relate. Lebron James was pampered and put on a pedestal for years. He was a super hero in the eyes of many. Jeremy Lin is part of the common folk. He's someone we would want to play with in an open-gym run and a person we would be honored to call not just a teammate, but also a friend.

Whether or not Jeremy Lin's career will be as fruitful and legendary as Lebron James' is certainly far from likely, but there is no denying that the young man from California by way of Harvard who has single-handedly resurrected New York City basketball, is as tall as the Empire State Building. He is right now more important than Lebron James for basketball and mankind.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The benefits of playing poker from different online casinos

If you want to play the online Poker, you can maximize your chances by playing from many casinos. This will give you a chance to get the nice competition out there and you can still play around the competition but for sometime you can have the time in your career where you will need to go against the people who are better than yourself. Even if you may not be sure when this can take place, you cannot know without playing the game from many sources. .

Each person will come to the point where he will have to play to get money and there is not better way to do this than to play with the people who are weaker than you. Besides of playing with weak people, there is also the Poker playerwho is known to make silly decisions and they are known as the fish. You can easily take the money for a fish since he does not have any strategy at all. In case you would like to make sure that things will go your way, you have to add the fish among your strategies. You can also mix from playing in the pros and in the fish also.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Five Most Addictive and Engaging Online Bingo Sites

Over the past few months, as popularity of online bingo went over the roof, many new online bingo sites popped up hoping to eat into a piece of the gambling pie. Among these sites only a hand few are considered reliable and worth spending your time with. So what makes a good online bingo website? Some of the most popular of all online bingo websites at the moment are William Hill Bingo, Paddy Power Bingo, XBingo, Wink Bingo and Lights Camera Bingo. So let's see why these are some of the best and most proffered among the thousands available.

One of the fundamental factors that you would have to consider when comparing online bingo websites is reliability. All five websites aforementioned have completely transparent game play and win-structure which are well appreciated by their ever expanding customer base. With transparency comes trust which results in more referrals and better revenue for the site. Another factor common with all these websites is their simple to use, graphic intense, customer-oriented interfaces. Even newbie players would have no problem getting accustomed to various options and games which improve the sites acceptability as opposed to complicated ones. These sites publish names of winners and provide all members with an opportunity to view and ascertain for themselves what kind of games winners are playing to make money.

Another factor (or collection of factors to be more precise) would have to be better offers. All the above mentioned websites offer good joining, referral and loyalty bonuses. Games are also well priced and they yield good returns on an average. These are in addition to winnings which account to a package most gamers just can't refuse. Even for a player looking to spend just the bare minimum, there are games serving exactly this purpose.

These websites also have a fairly large inventory of games such as 80 ball/ 90 ball bingos, slots, scratch cards ensuring every type of gamer is fully engaged and kept entertained. Another winning factor these websites are successfully using to their advantage is community gaming. Almost all of these websites allow players to play in teams tilting the odds in their favour. These websites also have various chat communities where members can find like-minded players and discuss things about anything else besides online games.

Lastly the service these websites offer. These five websites pay special attention to customer satisfaction and retention. These websites have almost a personal connection with individual players offering them special offers based on their playing characteristics and choices. Chat, phone, email and other support are also on-call with these websites making sure players stay with the website and have maximum fun while at it.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Benefits of the Heater Baseball Pitching Machine

For many coaches, a Heater baseball pitching machine is the perfect accompaniment to a team practice. Although it uses a basic wheel throwing mechanism, Heater stands out with its unique structural design for a safe batting practice.

Their main batting machines are meant for more experienced batters, but they do offer a junior machine version to support the little league team's batting needs.

The Heater baseball pitching machine uses a one wheel mechanism to expel a ball forward from the machine. However, Heater uses an enclosed wheel and tire configuration. Unlike the majority of softball hitting machines, Heater does not have an open wheel mechanism that can be dangerous for curious fingers. In fact, they enclose the one wheel with heavy steel so that the rotating tire cannot be seen or touched.

Heater Baseball Pitching Machine Helps Balls Last Longer

Heater has also made it easier to reduce wear on the baseballs being thrown; the internal tire is air filled, rather than solid. As a result, balls are not subjected to intense friction that can slow the speed down after ejection or cause excessive wear to the ball itself. Coaches will find that they will need to purchase fewer balls during a team's season.

Monday, February 20, 2012

An Inside Look Into Sports Betting Companies

The sports betting industry is a minefield of employment offering employment opportunities to millions of people all over the world. Not only this industry provides employment opportunities but also provides huge tax revenues to the local governments. With time public perception of sports betting has changed. To keep it free from criminal involvement, the companies are now operated under high surveillance. In spite of the monitoring illegal betting still continues.

Sports betting companies provide a wide range of betting activities. There are numerous companies that provide online, international and telephone based betting activities. A lot of these companies are also providing web-based gaming in various languages.

There are companies that offer co-operative betting services, wherein the prices, financial transactions, placing bets, checking the winnings can be done online in real-time. With the advancement of technology a lot of these companies are now offering 24/7 betting opportunities.

Sports betting companies are needed to be licensed and properly regulated. This is a must to ensure that the bettor's money at stake is well-protected and they get their winnings paid on time.

Betting on sports is a well-recognized form of betting. Majority of the companies encompass different offers like as: coupons, moneyline, parlays & teasers. Players from all around the globe take part in the online version of betting sitting right at the comfort of their home. These companies offer opportunities for different types of pari-mutuel betting.

Every year these companies churn out not only their ROI (Return On Investment) but also an increasing profit.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Pros and Cons of Playing Online Bingo

Bingo is a fun game played in halls for years. With the advancement of technology online version of the game has garnered mass popularity. Advantages and disadvantages of playing online bingo games are as follows:

Advantages of playing bingo online

1. Online bingo games can be played all throughout the year at any point of time. Moreover, you can play the games sitting right at the comfort of your home. This way you can not only save time but also save money.

2. Online version of the game of bingo is available for all kinds of players. There are sites for newcomers as well as for professionals. Majority of the websites have a help section or offer tutorials with a view to aid the players to understand the rules of the game.

3. There are free bingo sites. Newcomers can play on these free sites. After attaining adequate proficiency they can begin playing on the paid ones. This ensures that the newcomers don't lose any money in the initial stage. Majority of the paid sites offer sign up bonus to the players.

Disadvantages of playing bingo online

1. Online bingo games played just for fun is well accepted. It is considered to be risk-free since the players play for free. Nevertheless, if the players get addicted to these games then it can cause trouble. Addicted players playing on paid sites tend to bet heavily and can end up with enormous debts. This can have adverse impact on their financial future as well.

2. Refrain children and elderly people from the paid bingo sites as child molesters are regulars in these sites. Through the use of chat rooms, they can easily molest children.

3. Beware of the fake bingo sites. These fake sites can use your credit card and financial details to their own benefit. So, choose websites that are genuine.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Excellent Hype of No Deposit Casino Bonus

It is been high time that there has been better hype for no deposit casino bonus and this is something that's keeping the players quite occupied and on the toes. But this can be something very good because people that do not have income to deposit may also play here. No advance deposits are required. But since there are various such casinos readily available it will be a little confusing for the players to search for the dependable and good no deposit casino bonus.

Even so, just before registering to no deposit casino it truly is greater to discover the possibilities and the wagering advantages. Only then it would be a thing apt for the gaming purpose. Commonly you get a specified time limit for which you'll be able to have some totally free plays. You need to learn the time that has been allotted to you. These checks are really considerably important and only then you will develop better understanding concerning the stuff.

Rakeback and Referrals: How to Make More Money Playing Online Poker

Like most players, when I first started playing online poker several years ago I knew nothing about rakeback. I saw an ad for a poker room, clicked the link, liked what I saw and signed up. Several months later I stumble across an article on rakeback and found out that I was missing out on hundreds of dollars each month. As you can imagine, I wasn't too happy.

So why didn't my poker room tell me about rakeback? The simple reason is profit. Paying rakeback reduces the profit margin of the house. With that being the case, you might ask why they bother offering rakeback at all, especially if they aren't going to be upfront about it? It's because rakeback is a marketing tool.

You see, poker rooms get their members from two main sources. The first is direct referrals. These members find the site by word of mouth, through merchandising material or via marketing campaigns created by the poker room itself. This is how the majority of people first find a poker site, the unfortunate masses who eventually learn about rakeback the hard way after many months of playing.

Alternatively, members can be generated by affiliates of the poker room. Affiliates are people the site has enlisted to send internet traffic to them. Affiliates for their part, come in two flavours. There are affiliates who simply send traffic to the site without offering any out-of-pocket incentives to get people to join. They simply promote whatever the room itself may offer. Then there are affiliates who provide prospective members with extra benefits for signing up through their account. These benefits can include free tournaments, merchandise, free bankrolls and/or rakeback. All of these incentive are paid for directly by the affiliate.

Poker rooms in turn compensate affiliates by paying them a commission for each new player they send. This commission is either a straight money value payment for the each new member joining the site or an ongoing percentage of the rake generated by the player. This of course reduces the profit margin of the room and as such they would greatly prefer it if every player came directly to their site.

So basically, rakeback is a marketing tool that the more generous affiliates employ to generate players for the poker room. These affiliates make less as paying rakeback reduces their profit significantly, the same way that paying an affiliate reduces the poker room's profit. But it does make for happy poker players and the smarter affiliates know that people who receive rakeback generally play more often and are more profitable, which in turn benefits the affiliate in the long run.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Limits and Uses of Pace Handicapping in Horse Racing

Pace handicapping is the art and science of estimating how a horse or horses will run in a race. The pace of the contest is how fast each horse runs at a particular part of a race. It measures their individual speed in parts of the race.

For instance, we measure early speed in the first quarter mile of a sprint. If a horse runs the fastest quarter mile of all the horses, it is the front runner. If a horse is very slow in the early stages of a race, it may have to come from far behind to win.

If horses were machines that always ran at exactly the same speed according to the jockey's wishes, it would be very easy to handicap a race using pace. Horses are living animals, however, and do not come with a gas pedal, speedometer, or a brake. They don't always run the first quarter or any other part of the race at the same speed.

Information and History with the European Jackpot Lotteries

European Jackpot Lotteries are highly common throughout quite a few of its international locations. In fact, European lotteries go out with spine to as early because the Roman Empire, when it was utilised like a type of enjoyment at dinner functions with rich attendees. Again then, nevertheless, every single ticket holder could well be guaranteed a prize, be it dinnerware or maybe a trinket, regardless of no matter whether or not their ticket was a winner. The first really recorded lottery was chartered by Queen Elizabeth I, and was developed to fund the betterment of your complete kingdom. The prizes in people lotteries have been commodities and silver plate, together with the lotto becoming promoted by means of the utilization of scrolls which included photos of the lotteries' prizes.

The European Jackpot Lotteries that exist right now are rather different, not surprisingly, then their previously variations. The main and most well-liked of those lottos is Euro-Hundreds of thousands, and its tickets may even be obtained by people living outdoors the European union. This can make it really special, as most lotteries are held strictly with the residents within that certain nation, and delivers a generally bigger jackpot credited to the fact that it pools the stakes of all collaborating European countries. Participants have to opt for 5 quantity and two further "star ball" phone numbers. The drawings for Euro-Large numbers is held twice per week, on Tuesday and Friday evenings. If there may be no winner immediately after just about every drawing, the prize pool is carried through to the next drawing.

In Germany, nonetheless, the federal government holds a monopoly on the lottery. They present a variety of video games, for instance Super six, Glucksspirale, and Online game 77. Their most important jackpot lottery is drawn twice per week, every single Wednesday and Saturday (which will be the identical drawing program as is present in America for their lottery). The participant have to pick 6 numbers, ranging from 1 to 49, as well as a super amount that ranges from 1 to 9. The winner could be the participant that guesses all seven amounts correctly.

Numerous other European countries also function their very own lottos. Good Britain, Ireland, and Spain inquire their lottery gamers to decide on 6 figures and one extra number (termed a bonus golf ball), even though France's lottery calls for the participants to choose 5 quantities and an added lucky ball quantity. Spain also has 3 exclusive lottos: El Gordo, El Nino, and Summertime Gordo.

European Jackpot Lotteries present tens of millions of Europeans, and also a lot of who decide to participate in their Euro-Thousands and thousands lotto who are living outdoors of Europe, while using prospect to strike it abundant. Nevertheless, it's the ideal of what this kind of a large sum of money can do and how it could possibly drastically alter your daily life which is what certainly brings people today back again to enjoy each full week.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Strength Based Power Training For The Vertical Jump

Power training involves applying a force at the greatest speed possible (Power = force x velocity). Jumping is a powerful movement and it must be trained using exercises which require a high power output. In a previous article, I had described the importance of strength in vertical jump training development. A well-developed strength program supplies the necessary force application in the power equation. Now it is time to discuss how to apply velocity to the power equation.

Performing movements at a high velocity is the goal when designing power based exercises along with a second goal of focusing on maximum effort with each repetition. There are two major types of power exercises, those which involve more than body weight resistance and those utilizing only body weight. This article will discuss the application of performing power exercises which incorporate an added resistance through weight training. Power resistance exercises can fall into several categories:

1) weightlifting exercises with a low to moderate percentage of 1 repetition maximum (1RM) performed explosively
2) weight throws
3) resisted jumping techniques.

The first two categories will be discussed according to technique and application toward improving the vertical jump.

Weight training as applied to power movements involves both lower and upper body training regimens. I will focus primarily on lower body movements with the assistance of upper body musculature. Each exercise must have an explosive lower body component. The most straight forward movement regarding lower body explosiveness is the jump squat. The jump squat is performed with the same motion and form as the back squat using about 40% of 1RM. The difference lies in the speed and explosiveness of the exercise. The movement must mimic a vertical jump by dropping more quickly and leaping with the bar while approaching the top of the squat. The athlete should drop to parallel as in a well performed back squat and should perform sets of 5-6 repetitions with maximum effort.

The other power based weightlifting exercises involve pulling the barbell, dumbbell, or kettlebell high and explosively. The more common movements include the hang clean, hang snatch, power clean, and power snatch. These exercises are known for working the posterior chain muscle complexes that are involved with the vertical jump, notably the hamstrings, calve muscles, and gluteus muscle group. When performed properly, these exercises are too complex to be explained in detail within this article. Therefore, a brief explanation must suffice. The hanging exercises begin with the weight being held at mid-thigh level. A slight dip followed by a rapid pull upward and rapid hip extension initiates the movement with the weight being held close to the body throughout the movement. The hang clean finish is caught at the shoulders with a shoulder width grip, whereas the snatch is caught overhead with a wide grip. These exercises are excellent for developing rapid hip extension (the hip snap) which is necessary for a quick and explosive jump. The power clean and snatch are initiated from the floor with a slower strength pull, but once the weight is pulled past the knees it becomes a rapid pull nearly identical to the hanging exercises.

An additional exercise which is excellent for developing the rapid hip extension is the kettlebell swing. The kettlebell swing can be performed with two hands or alternately with opposing hands. The swing is initiated with the kettlebell dropping between the legs and with the arms straight. The momentum of the hip extension will swing the kettlebell to shoulder height. This motion is repeated for the designated number of repetitions. A heavier weight with lower repetitions is designed to increase the vertical jump, whereas a lower weight with higher repetitions will help increase jumping endurance. A similar movement, the overhead medicine ball throw, should be included with the kettlebell swing. The mechanics of this exercise are nearly identical to the kettlebell swing. The main difference is that the medicine ball is thrown high in the air behind the body. Sets of 6-8 repetitions are recommended.

A final weightlifting exercise worth incorporating into a vertical jump program is the overhead jerk. The weight can be cleaned from the floor and jerked overhead or the movement may be initiated without the clean by taking a barbell from a rack. The explosiveness originates from the legs and the weight is driven overhead with a rapid motion while the body drops under the weight in a split stance or partial squat. This exercise is outstanding for overall body explosiveness.

All weightlifting exercises should be performed in multiple sets of 1-5 repetitions for a maximum positive influence on the vertical jump. Listed below, you will find sample workouts utilizing the weightlifting portion of a vertical jump program. It must be understood that resisted jumping techniques and body weight jumps are to be included for a complete vertical jump program. During this phase of jump training, all power exercises are performed first with any plyometric exercises placed at the beginning of the workout. Plyometrics will be specifically addressed in a separate article.

* exercise - sets x repetitions

Monday: *hang cleans - 3 x 5, split jerks - 3 x 3, jump squats - 3 x 5, medicine ball
overhead throws - 3 x 6

Wednesday: hang snatches - 3 x 5, clean and jerks - 3 x 3, heavy 2-handed kettlebell
swings - 3 x 8

Friday: power cleans - 3 x 5, kettlebell snatches - 3 x 8 (each arm), jump squats - 3 x 5
medicine ball overhead throws - 3 x 6

These are routines which may be incorporated into a vertical jump program once a solid strength foundation has been created for the athlete. The strength component is an essential factor for the success of weight lifting based power movements. Weightlifting based power movements have been successfully used for decades to assist in the increase of the vertical jump which leads to an increase in athletic performance.

The Greatest New Orleans Hornets of All Time

The New Orleans Hornets were founded in 1988 as the Charlotte Hornets. The team became the New Orleans Hornets when they relocated to New Orleans in 2002. The Hornets have qualified twelve times for the post season but their greatest achievement to date is winning a Divisional title. The greatest players of All-Time for the franchise are Larry Johnson, Alonzo Mourning, Glen Rice, Chris Paul and Baron Davis. The greatest Hornets of All-Time are Baron Davis, Larry Johnson and Chris Paul.

No. 1: Baron Davis (1999 - 2005)

Baron Davis managed to carry the Hornets to the playoffs on a consistent basis although their actual success in the playoffs has been very limited. Hornet's fans will remember Davis greatly for his play against the Orlando Magic in the playoffs. In the series he average 22.6 points, 7.9 assists and 7.0 rebounds per game. He is a two time NBA All-Star and All-NBA selection for the Hornets. He initially began his career with the Hornets as a reserve, but it wasn't long before he became the center-piece of the franchise.

No. 2: Larry Johnson (1991 - 1996)

Fans would pay any amount of money to see Larry Johnson play the game of basketball. He became one of the first true stars of the Hornet's franchise and his impact is still relevant today. Larry Johnson was the Rookie of the Year in 1992. He was a two time All-Star and an All-NBA selection in 1993. In his best season with the Hornets, he averaged 22.1 points and 10.5 rebounds per game. Johnson was a phenomenal power forward who captured the fans attention from the first time he stepped on the floor for the Hornets.

No. 1 Chris Paul (2005 - 2011)

Chris Paul is a high caliber point guard who has developed a multi-dimensional game that puts him above everyone else. At any point, Chris Paul is able to change the direction of a game. He was named Rookie of the Year in 2006. He is a four time All-Star, two time NBA All-Defensive team selection and two time All-NBA selection. His numbers as it relates to points, assists and steals are rivaled to the best in the game's history and in the current NBA. He became the face of the franchise, but Paul would be traded to the Los Angeles Clippers prior to the 2011-12 season.

The Hornets have not been afforded the luxury of many great players in their history, and it's likely the reason they have failed to make a deep playoff run. It is without question that Chris Paul is easily the best player to ever play for the franchise.

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Greatest Minnesota Timberwolves Team of All Time

The NBA granted four expansion teams in 1987, and one of those expansion teams was the Minnesota Timberwolves. The Timberwolves were on of the worst teams in the NBA for several seasons until they drafted Kevin Garnett in the 1995 NBA draft. The team had just 29 wins, 15 wins, 19 wins, 20 wins and 21 wins in its first five seasons. Even though they had good players like Tom Gugliota and Isaiah Rider.

In the 1995 season, the Timberwolves drafted Kevin Garnett and acquired Stephon Marbury in the 1996 NBA draft. It was in the 1996 season that the Timberwolves finally reached the playoffs for the first time in franchise history. With Kevin Garnett's leadership and all-around game the Timberwolves made the playoffs for eight consecutive years, but they were eliminated in the first round for seven straight years before finally reaching the conference finals in the 2003-04 season.

After trading for Sam Cassell and Latrell Sprewell in the 2003 offseason, the Timberwolves enjoyed their best season yet winning 58 games, Kevin Garnett won his first MVP after averaging 24 points, 14 rebounds and 5 assists. It was the first time in franchise history that the Timberwolves moved past the first round and after winning the second round, Garnett leapt upon the scorer's table. It was one of the more memorable moments in team history. But they never duplicated their success as injuries, salary disputes, and a trade would keep the team from getting back to the playoffs.

After Garnett's departure in 2007, the team went back to its losing ways. Minnesota has not made the playoffs since losing in the Conference Finals and are averaging just over 30 wins per season. They have had a lot of draft picks come and go, but fans are starting to get excited again with the team centered around Kevin Love and Ricky Rubio.

The Timberwolves are a team that is starving for success. In its 23 year history, the Wolves have only made the playoffs eight times. In my opinion the greatest Minnesota Timberwolves team of all time would go to the 2003-04 team that reached the Western Conference Finals. The 2003-04 Timberwolves showed that if you gave Garnett adequate help, he would be able to reach the promise land. Although the Wolves lost to the Lakers in the Western Conference finals, the 2003-04 team is without a doubt the best team in franchise history.

The Perils Of Winning The Lottery

Winning the lottery would be a dream come true, right? All you have to do is match 6 measly numbers and then you'll have the best life ever, a life filled with adventure, relaxation, and wealth. That would be perfect, wouldn't you say?

Ah, the dreams of would-be lottery winners, always dreaming about all of the positives that a big jackpot win would bring into their lives. There's nothing wrong with that, mind you. Dreaming is healthy. But if you're a dreamer and dreaming about that big lotto prize, be mindful of the fact that there are certain perils in winning the lottery.

Perils? How so? Well, things change when you win a big jackpot. Most of the time, that change is for the better. Sometimes it's not, though. Here's a few examples of the perils that I'm talking about:

Being rich could cause feelings of guilt. People that become rich by luck often have guilty thoughts, like "What did I do deserve this?" Sometimes that guilt makes them feel that they're not worthy.

You might feel different from your friends. If you're wealthy and absolutely everybody else that's part of your life is not, it's only natural to feel different. The bottom line is, you are different. Sometimes your friends might not even treat you the same as they did before hitting the lotto. Money does that to people; it gets in the way of relationships.

Your friends and family might become jealous. You'll quickly find that jealousy could tear apart what used to be thriving relationships.

The money paralyzes you. Since you've never had to deal with managing that much money in your life, you might become terrified of what to do with it. What if you lose it? What if you make bad investments. What if people steal it from you?

These types of perils are things that would-be lottery winners never even consider. But they should. These types of things can and do happen to people that become instantly rich.

Now, none of this means that you should quit playing the lottery. On the contrary. All I'm saying is that it's good and healthy to dream about all of the exciting ways your life will change when you it the jackpot. Just be mindful, however, that there are some bad things, perils, that come with the territory too. Think about what you'll do if you end up facing these perils.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Baseball Needs Pete Rose

Baseball Needs Pete Rose

   Major league baseball needs a facelift extremely bad. Take this into consideration. Do you know who played in the last two super bowls? Now, do you know who played in the last two world series? Die hard baseball fans will be able to answer the second question, but other people will have to really think on it for a moment. My point is this, baseball has become dull and boring, sorry but it has. Empty stadium seats can be seen in all parts of this country. Followed by the surplus of unsold merchandise. Fans across this nation are crying out for the old ball game, but their cries fall on the deaf ears of team owners ,officials and the commissioners office. Are we not the ones that buy the tickets and wear the gear? We want the games that not only got us to buy the seats but keep us on the edge of those seats. The scent of freshly roasted peanuts beckoning for you to raise your hand and scream to the vendor "Over here". Gloves in hand, we watched and waited for the once in a lifetime opportunity when a long homer would come zipping over the center field wall into seats that from home plate must have looked like they were occupied by ants. Some would call this the good old days, but they don't have to be.

The Greatest New Jersey Nets of All Time

The Nets were founded in 1967 and were known as the New Jersey Americans. The name New Jersey Americans only lasted for one season. a In 1968 it was changed to the New York Nets and in 1977 it was renamed to New Jersey Nets. The Nets have won two ABA titles but are still searching for their first NBA title. Some of the greatest players to carry their talents to the Nets are Vince Carter, Jason Kidd, Julius Erving, Rick Barry, Buck Williams and Derrick Coleman. The greatest New Jersey Nets of All-Time are Buck Williams, Jason Kidd and Julius Erving.

No. 3: Buck Williams (1981 - 1989)

Buck Williams leads the Nets in games, minutes, points, free throws made and attempted and rebounds. He is a three time NBA All-Star, Rookie of the Year in 1982, one time All-NBA and All-Defensive team selection. In the 635 games he played for New Jersey, he averaged 16.4 points per game and 11.9 rebounds per game.

No. 2: Jason Kidd (2001 - 2008)

Most of New Jersey's success in the NBA can be attributed to Jason Kidd, who led the Nets to the NBA Finals in 2002 and in 2003. They unfortunately lost on both occasions. He is the All-Time leader in three pointers made and attempted, assists and steals for the Nets. In his time in New Jersey Kidd was a five time NBA All-Star, six tune NBA All-Defensive team selection and three time All-NBA selection. Kidd not only was a great player himself, but he had that special ability to make everyone else around him better.

No. 1: Julius Erving (1973 - 1976)

Julius Erving was named to the ABA All-Star team in all three season he was with the Nets. He was a three time ABA MVP, two time ABA playoffs MVP, three time All-ABA selection and one time ABA All-Defensive team selection. Erving left his footprints on the game of the basketball and helped revolutionize the game. In his three seasons with the Nets, he carried the team to two ABA titles in 1974 and 1976. "Dr. J" as he is known had his greatest years of his career with the Nets. His leaping ability was incredible. In his 252 games with the Nets he averaged 28.2 points, 5.2 assists and 10.9 rebounds per game.

The New Jersey Nets have been seen as the 2nd best team in the city to the Knicks for a very long time. If the Nets could have carried over their ABA success into the NBA the story of the franchise would have been a different one. As it stands today the greatest player of All-Time for the Nets is the one who carried them to two ABA titles, Julius Erving.

The Greatest Los Angeles Lakers Team of All Time

The Los Angeles Lakers have been blessed with being one of the most successful teams in NBA History. They have won 17 League championships dating back to their 1948 NBL title. They are second only to the Boston Celtics in winning percentage and championships won. They have fielded some of the best players in the history of the NBA in Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Earvin "Magic" Johnson, Shaquile O'Neal, Kobe Bryant, James Worthy, Jerry West, Wilt Chamberlain, Elgin Baylor, and George Mikan. They have fielded many different title teams littered with hall of famers. There have been so many amazing teams in Lakers' history, that it is extremely hard to narrow it down to just one team as the best ever. However, I believe there is one Laker team that stands above the rest as the greatest of all time.

With so many great teams throughout the Lakers storied history, one could not be mistaken in choosing George Mikan's Lakers as the one that started it all, or Wilt Chamberlain's team with his singular dominance, or Kareem Abdul Jabbar's consistency and team success, or Shaquille O'Neal's dominance and amazing peak or Kobe's back to back championships in the new millennium. However, there is one team assembled in the 80's that could truly be seen as the greatest Lakers team in team history.

The 1984-85 Los Angeles Lakers team is the greatest Lakers team of all time. This was the year where the "Showtime Lakers" were in full swing and they featured a team that had Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Magic Johnson, James Worthy, Bob Mcadoo, Byron Scott, Michael Cooper, and Kurt Rambis. Head coach Pat Riley had them playing an entertaining offense and solid competitve defense. They finished the season with a record of 62-20, finished with 20 more wins than that of the Portland Trail Blazers in their division. They also set team records for field-goal percentage at.545 and assists with 2,575.

The Los Angeles Lakers would dominate in the first three rounds against the Phoenix Suns, Portland Trailblazers, and Denver Nuggets. They would only have two losses en route to a showdown against their bitter rival Boston Celtics. Although they would start the Finals with a lopsided loss to the Celtics, losing 148-114 in what would be famously dubbed as the "Memorial Day Massacre". They wouldn't let that loss stop them from reaching their goal. Los Angeles would go on to win the NBA Finals in six games, behind the dominant play of 37-year-old Kareem Abdul Jabbar. They would clinch the championship in the Boston Garden in what would be one of the greatest triumphs in team history. The Lakers gained their first ever Finals victory over the Celtics, and would be the first to ever clinch the Finals inside the Boston Garden.

The 1984-85 Lakers boasted a fun and exciting team that also laid claim to being the only team that defeated the Boston Celtics on their home floor to get the championship. While a number of other teams could make their case for being the greatest Lakers team of all time, they all fall short of the 1984-85 Lakers.

Go ahead, Play Blackjack Online and Enjoy

Blackjack is one of the most loved games of the world. Millions of people out there in this world, who love to play this game. There are other millions of people, who wish to play this game, but never get a chance to play this game and that is because, one needs to go to a casino house to play this game.

However, playing the game out of a casino house is possible now. One doesn't need to go to a casino house to play this game. Blackjack can be played over the internet now and the online form of the Blackjack is the carbon copy of the traditional blackjack game, played at the traditional casino houses.

Those people, who were nourishing desires to play the casino games like blackjack without going to the casino houses now can realize their dreams. However, one has to do few things to get eligible to play the online casino game. Let us discuss the steps, one has to follow, before start playing Blackjack online.

- Dozens of websites are there over the internet, which are providing the platforms for the online blackjack. You can play online blackjack at any of these platforms. However, how could you find any of the online blackjack platform?

The Greatest Head Coaches for the Portland Trail Blazers

In 1970 the Portland Trail Blazers officially joined the NBA. To this date the Trail Blazers have had a total of 12 head coaches. They have only one NBA Championship which they achieved in 1977. Portland has had some great head coaches during the team's history. The top three coaches are Mike Dunleavy, Rick Adelman and Jack Ramsay.

Mike Dunleavy (1997 - 2001)

As the head coach of the Portland Trail Blazers, Mike Dunleavy won Coach of the Year during the 1998-99 season. He is just one of two coaches to win the award in Portland. Dunleavy has a winning percentage of (.642), which ranks second on the Blazer's All Time list. He coached the team for 296 regular season games, plus an additional 36 playoff games where he won and lost the same amount of games. Coach Dunleavy led the Trail Blazers to four straight playoff appearances which include two trips to the Western Conference finals.

Rick Adelman (1988 - 1994)

Rick Adelman led the Blazers to two NBA Finals. The first was in 1990 against the Detroit Pistons and the second in 1992 against the Chicago Bulls. Unfortunately, Coach Adelman efforts in both finals fell just short. He holds the record for most playoff games coached at 69 and the highest playoff winning percentage at (.522). Of the 69 playoff games he coached, he won 36 of them and lost 33. He coached the team for 445 regular season games, with a winning percentage of (.654), the highest in Blazer's history.

Jack Ramsay (1976 - 1986)

Jack Ramsay coached the Blazers for exactly a decade. His coaching career with the Blazers ended with a regular season winning percentage of (.552) and playoff winning percentage of (.492). Coach Ramsay inspired the Blazers to their very first winning record of 49-33 and brought Portland to their first ever NBA Finals appearance in which his players did not fail to bring home the Championship. The 1977 Portland Trail Blazers rallied back from a 0-2 deficit to win four straight games over the Philadelphia 76ers. Many believe it is one of the biggest NBA Finals upsets in NBA history.

The coach was elected to the Basketball Hall of Fame in 1992 and is rated as one of the top 10 coaches in NBA history. Ramsay led the Trail Blazers to nine playoff appearances in ten seasons. Ramsay retired as the NBA's coach with the second most wins with at 864, a record which was shattered by the likes of Phil Jackson a decade later. His legacy has been imprinted into coaching history and will survive for all of eternity.

Jack Ramsay's records and the fact that he is the only coach to lead the Trail Blazers to an NBA Championship are accomplishments that you can't overlook. He is without question the best head coach in franchise history.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Types of Basketball Hoops

If you are looking to buy a basketball hoop, the first decision involves which type suits you best. The three primary types include portable, in-ground, and wall-mounted. Each one has their own advantages and disadvantages.


The portable models are ideal for those who want nothing to do with installing a hoop in the ground using cement. The other main benefit of course is that you can move it around when necessary. For instance, let's say you live in an area where it gets cold in the winter. You probably won't be playing much basketball outdoors during that time. With a portable hoop, you can store it in the garage for the time being so it's out of the way and protected from the elements.

Sometimes, being able to move a hoop to a different spot is necessary depending on the layout of your property. Maybe you live in a court, where you can move the hoop out on the street so you have more room. These are just some of the advantages to having a portable hoop.

What's the downside? Mainly, it's that they aren't as stable as in-ground or wall-mounted models.


In-ground basketball hoops are considered to be the most ideal of the three. Unless you buy a really expensive portable hoop, the in-ground model is going to provide the most realistic look and play of the three. For those who are basketball purists, this is the hoop that will provide the most satisfaction.

Because it's cemented into the ground, it will allow for a more rigid backboard and have more bounce. They are also more sturdy and durable compared to portable hoops. Because they don't have a base, they have a smaller footprint as well.

The downside of course is that it's permanent and it requires cement installation, which will require some time and effort.


Like the in-ground, the wall mounted hoop is also very stable. The biggest however is the fact that it takes up no space at all on your driveway. It really doesn't get in the way at all. If you don't have enough room on your driveway for a portable or in-ground, this is a good option. Another advantage is that the installation and removal process is pretty easy.

The downside is that it doesn't allow for realistic play considering there is no space behind the basket, unless you extend it out several feet. There also might not be an ideal spot for it to go, even if you have a garage.

Poker: The Luck of the Draw or Skill?

How many times have you sat down at a poker table and watched a nothing hand turn into the winning hand? For example, You're dealt a 3 and a 6. Instead of folding you decide to take a chance and stick it out. The dealer turns up (4, 5, 7) among the next four cards for a Straight! Or, you're dealt a pair of Jacks and another Jack face up in the community cards for Three-Of-A-Kind. Winning hand, eh? But someone else is dealt a Full House of three 4s and two 9s.

Luck sometimes has as much to do with the above scenarios as skill. And sometimes just sticking around long enough to "gamble" that your cards will pay off is the adrenalin that some players are looking for. You find you're asking yourself more often than not: Do I want to take the chance?

Anyone who has played poker or sat and observed a game of Texas Hold'Em can certainly attest to the random luck of the cards that are dealt. The start of the first few cards can signal a promising hand only to result in the proverbial "fold".

A player can always take a chance and count on a certain amount of luck over a short period of time. It's the realistic or skillful player who recognizes that there are times when it's best to quit when that string of luck or cards appears to be elusive.

Some skillful card players will spend as much time observing their opponents as they do playing their own cards. They watch how other players may telegraph what they have in their hands. Watching the way players bid, their verbal comments, or their body language can tell a lot about the possible outcome of the hand: Fidgeting, smiling, frowning, counting their chips, blinking, constantly looking back at their hand, shifting around in their chair, etc.

So, what is the answer? Is successful poker playing a result of luck or skill? I believe there's a combination of BOTH involved here: Luck and skill share a tag-team hand in playing poker. You have to have the skill to know what you're looking for in that hand to win. But you also know that, by taking a chance on checking or bidding, you need the luck that the next card is the one you are looking for!

Are you a skillful player or a player who relies on taking the chance with Lady Luck? Only you can answer that question. Good Luck!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Greatest Golden State Warriors Team of All Time

Like many NBA teams the Golden State Warriors have endured times of success and times of struggles. Founded in 1946, the Warriors are one of the oldest franchises in NBA history and their history is littered with Hall-of-Famers and great players.

In the inaugural season of the BAA (Basketball Association of America) the Philadelphia Warriors defeated the Chicago Stags in the Finals. By the 1955-56 season, now a team in the newly merged NBA, the Warriors won their second championship as the Philadelphia Warriors by defeating Fort Wayne Pistons in five games. Players of this era included Hall-of-Famers Paul Arizin, Michael Bryson and Neil Johnston. In 1959, the Warriors drafted Wilt Chamberlain.In six seasons with the Warriors, Chamberlain would go on to shatter several records until he was traded in the 1964-65 season.

In 1962, the Philadelphia Warriors were transferred to San Diego. They would still be contenders for a brief period in the 60s, but they wouldn't win a championship until they were transferred to Golden State in 1971.

In 1975, the Warriors won the championship in what was deemed by many as the greatest upsets in NBA Finals history. The Washington Bullets were heavyily favored but they were swept by Golden State. It was one of the greatest upsets in NBA history. The team was led by Rick Barry, Rookie of the Year Jamaal Wilkes, and Phil Smith. This would be the last championship run for the Warriors and what would follow would be an era of failed potential and disappointments from the late 70's to the late 80s.

Despite acquiring a core of standout players in Purvis Short, Eric "Sleepy" Floyd and Joe Barry Carroll, the team never capitalized on their potential. They did found a diamond in the rough when they drafted Chris Mullin in 1985. They would experience some great highs and lows for many years with Mullin running the show. They would make a playoff run one year, only to follow it up with a disappointing losing season.

The Golden State Warriors of the modern era haven't faired very well even though they had exciting players like Baron Davies, Jason Richardson, Gilbert Arenas and Antawn Jamison. They failed to make the playoffs for 12 years until finally making it back to the postseason in 2007. They beat the top seeded Dallas Mavericks in the first round, but would lose to the Utah Jazz in the next round.

The greatest Golden State Warriors of all time would go to the 1975 Golden State Warrior team. They were written off by everyone, even their fans, but they proved that a team with a lot of heart could win it all despite all the odds stacked against them.

How to find great slot games

There are several games that people have consider all time favorites for decades now, from table games to drinking games, to, of course, betting games and most definitely slot games. There is certain beauty and romance on a slot machine (besides huge jackpots waiting for a lucky winner to show up) and everything from the design to the many new slot machines found all over the place not only at every USA online casino, but also in airports, bus stations and the beloved land based casinos.

Things don't change much when it comes to slot games: the science is always the same: match the images and win a jackpot, yet people do love them maybe because of the chances they have to win something, maybe is the flashy lights and music or just the thrill of pulling the lever and see if luck is smiling at you at that specific moment.

With the advances in game designing there are probably hundreds of different slot games available both online and at regular casinos, where people must match themed images and all with different chances to get your hands into jackpots of all amounts. Some of these have become cult games in different websites dedicated to provide USA online casino services such as Cleopatra's Slots and Monster Mayhem slots among many others.

What Inspires You to Play Bingo? Fun or Jackpots?

Everybody has a reason to play bingo! Some play them for mere entertainment and hence bingo is nothing more than a pastime for them. And some play them for money and so, for them the game of bingo is a serious source of making money.


For the former category of players, the online bingo sites feature free rooms. Free rooms offers the players the freedom to play bingo games for free and for the sake of pure entertainment. When the players enter the free rooms, their accounts are charged with the free bingo chips. These chips are a sort of counterfeit money which can be used to purchase bingo cards and to play bingo games. The good part is that while playing free online bingo games, the players don't have to compromise on the quality and originality of the games. The free bingo experience is as original as any real bingo game that exists online. When you play bingo games absolutely free of cost, you can't get your hands on the jumbo jackpots but you can definitely grab on some small complimentary rewards here and there, especially if you are playing them on the big bingo brand like, 123bingo. Plus, hefty jackpots don't matter much when just fun is on your mind, Isn't it? So, enjoy playing bingo for free and for fun