Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What Can Be Better Than A Million Dollar Lottery Win - Make Lottery A Part-Time Profitable Business

Millions and millions of people are playing the lottery every single day. Not just in your own country, but all over the world. That's a fact confirmed by statistics. Knowing that these people only have one chance to win the jackpot in over a million, their persistence might be considered crazy or illogical, mostly because only a few percents happen to win. Are they stubborn or what? It's not necessary to be a bachelor in Mathematics to realize they risk their money for a high potential failure and yet not a single lottery in the world has been closed due to the lack of ticket buyers. At least, there is none that I could remember of.

Of course, it is good to dream that you could become the next person that has stuffed his own bank account with a seven figure amount of money, but let's get realistic: only a few of us live to see that dream come true. Basically, except that someone that always wins on every single Lottery draw, and I mean the lottery organization that has the legal right to run it, there are only a few that are constantly getting profit from this hobby.

Is it something you could do to improve your odds of winning, or you just to be lucky? Although luck is crucial for getting drawn the numbers that you have played, there are honest ways to transform this lottery playing hobby into a part-time profitable business.

First of all, you need to change the way you saw the lottery games. From now on those are not gambling games anymore, but a serious part-time business and to need to make it profitable. Start by allocating more than a few minutes per week to this part-time business and make a plan of action, like you would do with a new enterprise.

It is good to have a paper notebook and to write down everything you plan to do in this new part-time lottery business. If you are already used with the modern appliances, then a laptop or a computer might be just what you need.

Also, you should keep evidence of the numbers that had been drawn in the past few months, because they might help you to discover a specific pattern for the lottery game you have chosen or to make good predictions for the numbers that might just get lucky on the next draw.

A good advice is to rely on abbreviated lottery wheels that have some guarantees winnings attached. Thus, if at least a few from the numbers you have played are drawn, you will get the refund of the invested money and a few dollars extra. That means a smaller or a bigger profit, and a sign that you are on successful with this new business.

By doing so you can easily earn an extra income per month from the lottery tickets that you choose to play. In any lottery it is hard to hit the jackpot, so that you will have to wait a couple of decades to get the one million price or more. Realistically, it is much easier to win many smaller prizes during the same time.

I think it's better to have some $ 30,000 extra every year, than to have one million dollars in 2066 or later. Therefore, don't expect to have one big lottery shot sometimes in the future, but more smaller winnings every single month.

And now, if you would like to know more about this matter, I would like to invite you to get a reliable lottery guide that offers some interesting tips on how you can constantly earn money from your lottery tickets.

Just visit and you can take advantage of your new grown part-time lottery business.