Thursday, February 9, 2012

Baseball Needs Pete Rose

Baseball Needs Pete Rose

   Major league baseball needs a facelift extremely bad. Take this into consideration. Do you know who played in the last two super bowls? Now, do you know who played in the last two world series? Die hard baseball fans will be able to answer the second question, but other people will have to really think on it for a moment. My point is this, baseball has become dull and boring, sorry but it has. Empty stadium seats can be seen in all parts of this country. Followed by the surplus of unsold merchandise. Fans across this nation are crying out for the old ball game, but their cries fall on the deaf ears of team owners ,officials and the commissioners office. Are we not the ones that buy the tickets and wear the gear? We want the games that not only got us to buy the seats but keep us on the edge of those seats. The scent of freshly roasted peanuts beckoning for you to raise your hand and scream to the vendor "Over here". Gloves in hand, we watched and waited for the once in a lifetime opportunity when a long homer would come zipping over the center field wall into seats that from home plate must have looked like they were occupied by ants. Some would call this the good old days, but they don't have to be.